Making sure to dress appropriately for court can help you make the best first impression possible in front of a judge. If you are going to court for a divorce proceeding, you want to ensure that you are looking and behaving appropriately and in a way that shows respect to the judge. This means opting for conservative clothing and hairstyles for both men and women. Additionally, it’s important to follow the rules of the court room and always be respectful of the judges and attorneys. For example, never interrupt, address the judge appropriately, and avoid distracting behavior. Hopefully, by dressing the part, you can have a more favorable outcome for your court decision.
How to Dress Appropriately for Court: Making the Best Impression
If you’re wanting to dress appropriately for court, keep in mind that conservative and professional is usually best. You want to make sure that you are wearing clothing that is clean and wrinkle-free. Avoid tight fitting outfits, revealing shirts, or anything too casual. For example, for men, slacks and a button down shirt is appropriate with closed toe shoes. For women, slacks and a shirt, or a professional dress is appropriate. Avoid flip-flips and t-shirts. While it’s fine to have your own sense of style outside court, when you’re in the courtroom, it’s best to forgone fashion in favor of a more traditional outfit.
In order to dress appropriately for court, you’ll also need to make sure that your hair and accessories are professional. For example, a low bun, pony tail, or styled hair for women, and a clean and neat hairstyle for men. Avoid outlandish facial hair styles, dyed hair, or lots of piercings. Cover up tattoos when able to, and try to ensure that you are clean and put-together at all times.
Besides needing to dress appropriately for court, you’ll also need to behave in a way that is respectful to the rest of the court members and judge. For example, ask your attorney what the appropriate way to address the judge is. Additionally, avoid things like chewing gum, talking on the phone, or otherwise distracting behavior. Never interrupt your attorney or the judge when speaking, and answer questions directly.
The Bottom Line
Showing up for court can be intimidating, and while it shouldn’t necessarily matter what you look like, showing an effort with your clothes and styling can go a long way in making a good first impression. Save your funky sense of style for another venue and instead opt for professional, conservative clothing while in court. Try to behave in a way that is respectful of the court and court members, and make sure to arrive on time and with everything you need in tow. If you have questions about how to behave or dress, ask your attorney for guidance.
The courtroom is a very prim and proper place, and calls for a respectful appearance and behavior. If you need to dress appropriately for court, you’ll need to keep in mind that this is not the place for outlandish, daring outfits. Your sense of style does not matter nearly as much as your behavior. So forgo the loud outfits, funky hair, or chunky jewelry and opt for outfits that are more traditional and conservative. In terms of behavior, always be respectful of the judge, attorneys, and other members of the court. Avoid distracting behaviors like chewing gum, talking on the phone, or interrupting. Pay attention when anybody is speaking, and make sure to address the judge in a respectful way. Hopefully, you and your attorney can go through what is expected of you beforehand so that you can arrive and put your best foot forward for your court appearance.