Exiting an Abusive Relationship Safely

Exiting an abusive relationship safely is the only way to make sure that your abuser doesn’t escalate into life-threatening behavior. An abuser’s main goal is to keep control over their victims. As a result, they make it incredibly hard for their partners to leave safely. If you are in an abusive relationship, it can be hard to even realize that you are. Knowing the signs of abuse can be helpful. It’s also important to realize that exiting the relationship is the only way to keep yourself safe. Find a support network and let them help you work out an escape plan. Hopefully, you’ll be able to get away safely and begin healing from the trauma of abuse.

Exiting an Abusive Relationship Safely: Getting Out Without Getting Hurt

Recognizing Abuse

The first step to exiting an abusive relationship is to recognize that you’re in one in the first place. While everybody is familiar with physical abuse, there are other forms as well. For example, emotional abuse can make a victim question their own decisions and confidence. Sexual abuse can involve anything from sexual assault to withholding of affection. And financial abuse makes a victim feel unable to leave their abuser because they rely on them financially. Knowing what abuse looks like can help you identify if you are in a dangerous relationship.

The Need to Get Out

It’s important to realize that exiting an abusive relationship is the only way to make sure that you stay safe. Regardless of what they say or how often they apologize, abusers do not stop abusing. They often escalate into more extreme forms of abuse. Leaving them can be dangerous too, which is why you need to have some support and a plan in place. Abusers thrive on controlling their victims, so leaving them can make them behave irrationally.

Get a Support Network

When exiting an abusive relationship, you need to make sure you have a support system in place. This could be a whole network of people or a single trusted friend. If you have family that you trust or close friends, let them know what is going on. They can help you make a plan to get out safely. They can also help you coordinate with local resources and national resources like the Domestic Violence Support Hotline.

Make a Plan

Exiting an abusive relationship can be tricky, so it’s important to make a plan. Figure out where you will go if you can get away. For example, to a friend’s house. Have a code word with your support person which means that you need help right away. Try to put away any money that you can. Document any instances of abuse in case you want to file a restraining order later. And finally, make sure that your abuser doesn’t find out about any of it. Use a public computer to do research and make sure that your support network is loyal to you.

Unfortunately, exiting an abusive relationship is the only way to ensure that your abuser doesn’t continue to hurt you. Abuse happens in many different forms, so it can be hard to even recognize it. Know the signs of different types of abuse and take note that abusers do not stop abusing. Find a support person or network and begin making a plan to get out safely. Pay attention to your partner’s schedule so that you know when you’ll have pockets of time alone. Make a plan on where you’ll go and how to get there. Hopefully, your support network can help you find resources. It’s incredibly difficult to leave an abuser. That is their goal in the first place. Rely on your support network to help you exit the relationship safely, and also to help you cope with the trauma of your abuse.

Home Buying Stress: Keeping Calm

There’s a lot of different things which can cause a couple to get a divorce. Among those reasons is home buying stress. While it can be exciting, buying a new home can also add tons of financial stress which can push couples to their breaking point. However, there are some ways you can minimize that stress…

Home Buying Stress

Budget realistically

One of the biggest sources of home buying stress comes from getting a house you struggle to afford. Worrying about making payments is going to seriously stress you and your partner out. Not only that, but it’s going to also limit how much money you can spend elsewhere too. Eventually, your new home can feel like a shackle rather than something to be excited for.

Therefore, you and your partner will need to sit down and seriously make a budget. You’ll want to keep it realistic and within your means. There’s also handy calculators which you can use to get a rough estimate of what sort of price you should be looking at.

Think about downsizing

Another source of home buying stress is getting something too big for your needs. Now, at first that might seem like it’s no real issue. After all, having extra space might seem nice at first. Still, that extra space will mean a higher mortgage, as well as more costly utility bills, which all add up cost-wise and stress-wise over time.

Due to this, don’t be afraid to downsize a bit. Of course, if you have kids, that might not be possible. But if it’s just you and your partner, then you can probably make due with a bit of a smaller house. That way, you spend less overall, and reduce the stress it might bring.

Pick a good agent

A good real estate agent makes a huge difference when trying to reduce home buying stress. Trying to buy a home on your own can be very daunting. With all the paperwork involved, it’s easy to misunderstand what exactly you might be signing for. Plus, you could end up with a house that has problems you weren’t aware of.

An agent specializes in helping you find a good home for your needs. They’ll know how to handle the paperwork and negotiate to get you a better price. Also, good ones will know how to talk to inspectors and contractors to make sure your house is in good shape.

Pre-Divorce Questions: Making Considerations

When you realize you’re unhappy in your marriage, divorce is probably going to cross your mind. Still, you don’t want to rush into a divorce right away. Rather, it helps to ask yourself some pre-divorce questions. These can help you see what kind of decisions you should make…

Pre-Divorce Questions: Things To Ask

“What’s bothering me?”

Perhaps the first of the pre-divorce questions to ask yourself is why exactly you’re unhappy with your marriage. For instance, is there one specific thing which is causing you to get upset? Or, are there a lot of problems which have led your marriage to deteriorate?

Once you know what’s bothering you, try to think about how you’ve addressed them with your spouse. If you haven’t, then it may be good to see if you can work on them and possibly turn things around. However, if you’ve tried and failed to fix things, then a divorce may make more sense.

“How will I break the news?”

When you’ve decided on a divorce, you’ll then need to consider how you’ll tell your partner. Breaking the news the right way is very important, especially if you want to try and make your divorce go smoothly. Telling them out of nowhere or at the wrong time can make them react much more emotionally to your plans. That’s why you should also ask pre-divorce questions regarding how you’ll tell them.

Rather, it’s ideal to tell them someplace private and when they aren’t busy. Make sure you keep your calm and don’t start accusing them or laying blame. While it’s not a guarantee that they’ll react calmly themselves, it’s much more likely to happen then if you were to tell them some other way.

“What are my future plans?”

Understandably, most of your pre-divorce questions will be about the divorce itself. Still, don’t forget to think about the future. You’ll have a whole post-divorce life that you’ll want to make sure you’re prepared for.

Consider what may change after your divorce is finished. Will you need to find a new job or house? What about your kids, if you have any? Take some time to really plan out what you’d like to do and it’ll be a lot easier to enjoy the new opportunities that come with a post-divorce life.

Stress-Free Traveling

Road trips can test the patience of any family, but stress-free traveling is possible. Whether you’re traveling with just your partner or the entire family, a long drive can put nerves on edge. Many road trips have been ruined by fighting and stress over changed travel plans. So put your best foot forward when planning a trip. Let everybody get a pick of one thing that’s important to them. Leave plenty of time for traveling. Expect changes and delays – mishaps are bound to happen. And finally, stock your car with as many emergency supplies as you can. That way you’ll be prepared for any eventuality! Hopefully, you and your loved ones can enjoy a fun and stress-free vacation.

Stress-Free Traveling: Surviving a Road Trip

Everybody Gets a Pick

Stress-free traveling is possible if you let everybody have a little say in the plans. If just one person is planning the whole trip, others might feel left out or disappointed. Before you plan your itinerary, let everybody in the family figure out something they would like to do. For example, a restaurant, a tourist stop along the way, or an activity. Make sure that each person gets to choose one important thing and try to have a good attitude about each person’s pick. This will let everybody feel like they’ve had a say in the plans.

Leave Plenty of Time

Another way to help with stress-free traveling is to leave plenty of time. Leave time for travel, time for getting ready, and extra time for unexpected stops. Running late is an easy way to get everybody incredibly stressed out. Tensions run high and it can lead to family arguments. Therefore, padding in plenty of extra time can keep things running smoothly.

Expect Changes

You should always expect some mishaps when traveling. No trip is going to be perfect! Try to be flexible and roll with the changes. There might be car troubles, bad weather, or unexpected hiccups along the way. There’s not much you can to do change it, so there isn’t much point in letting it ruin your trip. Stress-free traveling is easier if you go into a trip fully expecting some mishaps.

Prepare For Everything

Finally, stress-free traveling is a little easier to manage if you prepare for as many things as you can. If you are road tripping, make sure to have plenty of snacks and water on hand. Everybody gets grumpy when they’re hungry. Therefore, having plenty of snacks can prevent tempers from boiling over. If you have young children, pack a special new toy or activity they only get to do in the car. You can’t prepare for everything, but stocking your car with as many essentials as you can helps things go more smoothly.

Stress-free traveling is possible, even on a road trip with your entire family. It just takes a little preparation and some determination by the whole group. One bad attitude can spoil the day for everybody, so try to set expectations early. Let each member of the family pick something special that they want to do on the trip. Pad in plenty of time for delays and traffic, as running behind on schedule can lead to arguments. Anticipate that there will be mishaps and try to be flexible with changes. And finally, pack your car and prepare for as many changes as you can anticipate. Hopefully, your trip will go very smoothly. But sometimes the mishaps and sudden changes of plans can wind up being the most fun and memorable parts of vacation!

Improving Communication in a Marriage

Communication in a marriage is the absolute most important thing for a happy and long-lasting relationship. Communication isn’t just about talking to each other, though. It’s also about learning how to connect in other ways. One of the best ways to improve communication is to become a better listener. It’s also important to take time to talk when there are no distractions. Often, miscommunication happens because of simple logistics, so having a central place for information can be very helpful. And finally, learning your specific love language and your partners can be very helpful. Hopefully, you can learn to improve your communication and make your marriage stronger.

Improving Communication in a Marriage: The Secret Sauce for Success

Become a Better Listener

One of the best ways of improving communication in a marriage is to get better at listening. Listening doesn’t just mean being quiet while your partner talks. It also means thinking about what they’re saying. And showing that you understand. Nod, maintain eye contact and ask thoughtful questions to show you care. In return, your partner will likely listen more closely when you talk as well.

Be Distraction Free Sometimes

Improving communication in a marriage means being distraction-free sometimes. Life is busy. Between our phones and busy jobs, it can be hard to find time to talk without distractions. However, it is very important in a marriage. Try to set aside time each day where you put away your phones. Perhaps, try at mealtimes. If you have young children, take some time after they go to bed to connect about your day.

Have One Central Place for Information

A lot of times, miscommunication happens simply because people aren’t on the same page. Simple logistics can cause issues in a marriage just as easily as major problems. Improving communication in a marriage might just mean having one place to go for important information. For example, try a calendar app that your whole family can share. Having a central location for important information can help you stay on the same page with family events.

Learn Your Love Languages

Finally, one of the best ways of improving communication in a marriage is to learn each of your love languages. Each person has specific ways that they communicate with those they love. These can be through acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, and gift-giving. Learning which love language your partner speaks can help you connect more easily.

Improving communication in a marriage is one of the easiest ways to make it stronger. Communication is the basis of any relationship and is so important. Learning to listen better is a great way to start. Show your partner that you are interested in what they have to say. It’s also important to have some time to talk when you can focus without distractions. So put away your phones for a few minutes each day. This can let you truly connect. It can also help to have one place to go to for important family information. For example, a shared calendar app. And finally, learn your partner’s love language. By communicating with them in their love language, you can show how much you care. Hopefully, you can learn to communicate better and make your marriage even stronger.

How to Talk About Money with Your Spouse

It can be awkward to talk about money with your spouse, especially if you’ve been raised to never discuss finances with anybody. However, it’s a very important part of your lives together. Both you and your partner need to have a clear picture of your financial health. Start the conversation early in your marriage or even before you tie the knot. Be honest about debt and spending habits. Work together to figure out a financial goal. This could be a plan to get out of debt, a saving plan, or a retirement plan. And finally, keep the conversation going constantly throughout your lives. You should always be on the same page with finances with your spouse. Talking about money is a healthy part of any marriage that will make your relationship stronger.

How to Talk About Money with Your Spouse: Starting and Continuing the Conversation

Start Early

It’s important to talk about money with your spouse early on. It’s a great idea to discuss finances before you even get married. You should each have some idea of what kind of debt and income the other has so that you can plan accordingly. Once you start living together it’s important to be on the same page with spending and living habits.

Be Honest About Debt

Another important aspect of learning to talk about money with your spouse is to always be honest. It can be embarrassing to admit it if you have debt. However, your spouse needs to know the full picture. Be upfront about your spending habits. If you feel that you have problems with overspending, work together to come up with a solution. Hiding debt doesn’t make it go away.

Work Together

When you talk about money with your partner, you can work together to come up with financial goals. If you can, meet with a financial advisor who can help you create some realistic goals for your money. Come up with a plan to get out of debt, save for your future, save for emergencies, and a retirement plan. Don’t forget to save for things like vacations and home improvements, too.

Continue the Conversation

Finally, once you start to talk about money with your spouse, continue the conversation. You should both be checking in with each other about your financial health frequently. Both partners should have a clear idea of how on track you are with your goals. You don’t want to be surprised by unexpected financial problems. Keeping the lines of communication open will keep you both more on track with your spending habits.

You and your spouse need to talk about money throughout your marriage. After all, our lives depend on money entirely and you now have joint assets. You don’t want any financial issues to take you by surprise. Both of you should have a clear picture of your financial health throughout your marriage. Even if money is tight, this will allow you both to work together to start making things better. Start the conversation early and keep it going throughout your marriage. Be upfront and honest about spending habits and debt. And finally, work together to create some financial goals for your lives together. Whether you have plenty of money or are barely scraping by, tackling financial issues together will make your marriage stronger.

Make Valentine’s Day Memorable This Year

Valentine’s Day is a great time for a couple to reconnect and be reminded of how much they mean to each other. You and your partner might have been handling school closures with your children, travel stress from a pandemic, and both working from home together. It’s been a stressful time, so many couples need a little refresher on heating the romance. Start planning early for your Valentine’s Day surprise. Especially since restaurants are understaffed and have reduced hours. You might think of a special way to recreate an old memory or relive a fun time. Do something unexpected for your special someone that they’ll remember forever. And finally, be sincere and show them how much they mean to you. Keep that spark of romance going and remember why you love them so much in the first place.

Make Valentine’s Day Memorable This Year: How to Make the Holiday Extra Special for Your Sweetie

Plan Early

Remember to start planning Valentine’s Day early this year. There are plenty of restaurants that are facing shortages with staffing. In addition, many have reduced hours as well. Reservations are likely to fill up quickly and way in advance for fancier options. If you and your love are not comfortable going to a restaurant, consider ordering in from someplace special, or cooking dinner for them yourself.

Recreate an Old Memory

Another fun way to spark some romance this Valentine’s Day is to recreate an old memory. Pick a time early in your relationship that holds a lot of meaning for you. Take them back to that same spot and try to recreate an early date. Your partner will be touched by how thoughtful you are.

Do Something Unexpected

You can also keep the magic alive this Valentine’s Day by doing something unexpected. Try taking a cooking class and preparing them a new meal. Or you could take them dancing, to a drive-in movie, or on a romantic hike. You could also plan a short trip as a romantic get-away. Rather than the usual dinner or a movie, think of an off-the-wall date that is sure to be fun and memorable.

Make It Sincere

Finally, you don’t have to make it fancy to have a great Valentine’s Day. You just have to be sincere. You could organize a picnic in a pretty place, or even send them on a scavenger hunt with romantic clues. And it’s always a sweet thing to hand-write a note to your love about why you care about them as much as you do. If you get them a gift, try to find something that is unique, rather than a generic box of chocolates.

Making Valentine’s Day memorable is all about creativity and planning. Try to brainstorm about what it is about your partner that makes you love them so much. Then make sure that you convey that message to them on Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, it just needs to be heartfelt. If you plan to take them out to eat at a nicer restaurant, plan to reserve your table soon as things will likely get booked far out this year. You could try recreating an old memory or doing something totally out of character. Surprise them with a unique date that they might never have thought of. And finally, don’t forget to be sincere and show them exactly how much you care. Hopefully, you and your love can have a magical Valentine’s Day that you’ll both remember forever.

Why Do People Cheat?

The age-old question “why do people cheat?” is one that spurned partners everywhere have asked themselves. The answer is often complex and involves a variety of different factors. However, there are a few reasons that come up more frequently than others as a response to why somebody might cheat. One of the most common reasons is boredom and simply falling out of love. Another reason that might cause a partner to cheat is that they are looking to boost their self-confidence. Sometimes cheating isn’t planned and happens with the help of outside factors. And finally, sometimes people cheat because they are feeling neglected by their partners. Whatever the reasons are, cheating can cause a lot of pain in a relationship and can end up costing you your marriage.

Why Do People Cheat? Getting to the Bottom of Infidelity


One of the most common reasons why people cheat is because they simply fall out of love with their partners. Marriage can last a lifetime. It takes work and commitment to keep things interesting and to make a marriage last. Sometimes people cheat because the relationship is boring or because they feel like their partner just isn’t making an effort any longer.

To Boost Self-Confidence

Another reason that people cheat is to boost their self-confidence. Knowing that another person besides their partner also finds them attractive might be enough of an ego boost to make some partners pursue an affair. After being in a marriage for a long time, some people just want to prove to themselves that they’re still sexy to other people besides their spouse.

Outside Factors

Sometimes, outside factors are an excuse for why people cheat. For example, things like drinking, being away from their partner for a long time or having another person hit on them. However, cheating is still a decision that a person has to make themselves. So while these things could be an influence, they certainly aren’t the only cause.


Finally, sometimes people cheat because they are feeling neglected in their relationship. This goes hand in hand with people wanting to boost their self-confidence. If a partner doesn’t feel like they are getting any effort from their spouse, they might be more likely to cheat. This is more common with women than with men.

While there is never a good reason for infidelity, unfortunately, some people still cheat. It can cause serious damage to a marriage. It can hurt your partner’s mental health, create a lack of trust, or end the relationship altogether. So people are often left wondering why people cheat. Often there are many reasons, but one of the most common is simply boredom. People just fall out of love with their partners. Some people feel neglected in their relationships and they cheat because it will make them feel better or boost their self-confidence. And finally, sometimes outside factors like drinking can play a role. Whatever the reasons, cheating can cause a lot of pain. If you have been cheated on, it’s important to get the support you need to decide how you want to handle it.

Signs of Dementia in Aging Parents

It can be difficult to distinguish signs of dementia in aging parents from other illnesses like Alzheimer’s or just simple aging. However, dementia can affect all aspects of their lives and make their day-to-day living much harder. So it’s important to try to figure out what’s truly going on if you are noticing some concerning things. You might be seeing communication problems. You might also just notice day-to-day problems like lost keys or things like that. Some dementia problems can change a person’s personality or even cause physical changes. If you are noticing these things, it’s important to get them the care they need. But it’s also important to talk to them about their wishes for their end-of-life care, as well as getting their affairs in order. It’s important to have these difficult conversations while they are still able to communicate effectively.

Signs of Dementia in Aging Parents: What to Look for and What to Do

Communication Problems

Some of the early signs of dementia in aging parents are problems with communication. And this can show up in several different ways. You might notice that they have a hard time finding words when they talk. They might also confuse times and places. They might forget people’s names as well, even close family members or friends. And finally, you might notice that they seem to struggle with understanding things.

Day to Day Problems

Some of the other signs of dementia in aging parents show up in their day-to-day lives. They might just be seeming to have a harder time navigating the world than they used to. It might be as simple as forgetting their keys often, or forgetting where they parked. But it could also be larger issues like not remembering how to read, how to find their way home, or showing poor judgment.

Personality Changes

Finally, you might notice some personality changes as part of the signs of dementia in aging parents. They might have mood swings or even a total change in their personality. Sometimes they develop a lot of fear around typical day-to-day things. For example, if they often get lost, simply leaving the home can be stressful. And finally, they might have some trouble walking and begin to be more unsteady on their feet.

What to Do

If you notice any of these signs of dementia in aging parents, it’s time to take some action. You need to take them to a medical professional. It’s also important to begin discussions about where they will live and when to give up driving. And finally, you might want to begin discussions of their will and estate. It’s important to have these conversations before things progress too much because they need to be of sound mind. Getting their legal affairs in order, as well as learning how they want their end of care life to look can ease your stress. At least you will know how they want to be taken care of and can focus on giving them support and comfort.

There are a lot of different signs of dementia in aging parents that you need to be on the lookout for. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and aging can all look very similar. Therefore, it’s helpful to keep a log of any odd behaviors and to follow up with a doctor. You might notice issues with their communication and ability to remember things. You might also notice problems with their day-to-day life, like getting lost. And finally, you might notice that they have personality changes or even physical symptoms. If you are seeing these signs, it’s time to start having some tough but important legal conversations about how they want to be taken care of as their health declines. You also need to know how they’d like to set up their estate. Getting these discussions out of the way can give you the freedom to simply focus on their care.

Four Relationship Red Flags to Watch Out For

There are many relationship red flags to look out for when you start dating somebody. However, there are a few that are classic signs of emotional abuse. One of these is a lack of trust. If your partner needs to keep tabs on you all the time it can also be a warning sign. Another red flag is if they don’t have any other interests besides the relationship. And finally, if they are trying to put pressure on you to move faster than you feel comfortable, it’s a warning sign. If you notice any of these behaviors in your relationship, it might be time to examine them to see if it’s healthy.

Four Relationship Red Flags to Watch Out For (And Run From)

Lack of Trust

One of the main relationship red flags to look out for is a lack of trust. If your partner is always needing the details of where you’re going and who you are with, it shows a deep lack of trust. This is often a sign that they are insecure in the relationship. If they accuse you of cheating or being unfaithful when there is no reason, it also shows a lack of trust.


One of the relationship red flags that are a clear indicator of emotional abuse is if your partner is controlling. This can present in many ways. Some partners want to keep tabs on where you go anytime you leave the house. Some go as far as installing trackers or going through your phone. Others use finances as a way to control and abuse their partners. If your partner is overly-controlling, it’s best to walk away before things escalate.

Lack of Interests

Another of the relationship red flags to be on the lookout for is if your partner doesn’t have interests outside of the relationship. For example, if they want to spend all of their time with you. Or if they don’t have a group of friends to hang out with outside of your relationship. While it’s fine to want to spend a lot of time with your partner it’s still important to maintain friendships and interests outside of the relationship.

Pressuring You

Finally, one final example of relationship red flags to look out for is if your partner is pressuring you. No caring partner should pressure you to move faster than you feel comfortable. If they are trying to put pressure on you to get intimate too quickly, have a frank conversation with them. Both partners must respect each others’ boundaries.

There are many relationship red flags to look for, but it’s especially important to look out for ones that can indicate early signs of emotional abuse. For example, if they don’t trust you and if you’ve never given them a reason to be mistrustful, it’s a warning sign. Similarly, if they keep tabs on you or try to control you, it can quickly get out of hand. In a healthy relationship, both partners should have interests and friendships outside of their dating lives. And finally, a loving and respectful partner will not pressure you to move faster than you feel comfortable. If you notice any of these red flags, it’s important to examine your relationship. Make sure that you are committing to somebody that respects you!